Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My first giveaway! I am using primary colors (stripes, dots, and chevron) as my theme for my new classroom. So, I thought I would share the number line (#1-20) I created for my classroom with you all for free. Click here to download it from Google Docs. The Google Docs preview DOES NOT show the background. Make sure you download it to see the full document. For coordinating items check out my store at Teachers Pay Teachers! Remember to follow this site for more freebies coming soon.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers Sale

Click here to check out the sale!
Teachers Pay Teachers is having a sale! and so is Create in Kindergarten! Use the code BTS12 and receive a discount from Teachers Pay Teachers. I will also be discounting my items by an additional 15%. Check out my Jungle Themed and Polka Dot Themed classroom items and more. Check back at this site for some freebie items as well during the sale.

My New Classroom

It's here! My new classroom. I made the mistake of not taking pictures when I first walked into the room, but here it is...... pretty much a blank slate. I'm still organizing and putting away the supplies left in the room, but it is at least under way.

 As you can see I have lots of stuff and VERY little storage so I am going to have to be very creative to find space for it all.

Even more books and supplies. Luckily I found some great bookshelves at Walmart for only $15 a piece. They still need to be put together but will be used for my classroom library.

Last but not least, I have some "well loved" aka used bookshelves in my room. Check back for pictures of how I transformed these bookshelves with velcro, fabric, and contact paper.

Good luck with your classrooms!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Welcome to my blog! I am a second year teacher in Northern California. My first career was in Marketing and PR. I loved my job, but missed working with kids. I also felt a calling to contribute more as I'm sure all of you teachers can agree so.....I went back to school and got my Masters in Teaching from USC. Go Trojans! I student taught in 1st and 4th grades, then was lucky to get a classroom of my own my first year of teaching and taught first grade. I will be changing schools AND grades this year. I am so excited for the change because I get to return to the school where I student taught and work with some AMAZING teachers. Here I come Kindergarten! I have been so inspired by great teaching blogs, I decided to start my own. I hope you find my ideas helpful in your own classroom. Please let me know if you do.